Take a few moments, just 60 seconds even, several times throughout your day and just listen and bring a feeling of love, satisfaction, joy and or happiness into focus. When we smile within, we begin to dissipate stress and we regain energy that is lost, otherwise.
Remember what we have within, is what others see us as being, at that moment. And when the moments are constantly showing up as not joyful, unhappy, not rested, the love within is diminished and others are also affected. Some may even avoid us. I believe that when we can show loving, joyful, happy feelings we will attract the same from others. The choice is ours. What we bring into our life is based on how we think; positive thoughts bring positive results, just as the opposite is true.
So keep love flowing within. And your world will shower you with positive, loving people, things and results. If it's to be, it's up to me!
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